Why Is The Media Quiet On The Murder Of Mashal Khan

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The tragic murder of Mashal Khan took place on April 13, 2017, at Abdul Wali Khan University in Mardan. Mashal Khan was a progressive-minded student who openly expressed his views on social media, advocating for freedom of expression and challenging societal norms. He was falsely accused of blasphemy, which led to a violent mob brutally killing him.

Why Is The Media Quiet On The Murder Of Mashal Khan

Following Mashal Khan’s murder, a noticeable silence fell over the media, which can be attributed to several factors. One key reason is that media outlets tend to be cautious when addressing sensitive religious matters to avoid sparking controversy or backlash. Issues related to blasphemy or religion are often met with strong reactions from various segments of society, including religious and political groups. As a result, media outlets may choose to remain silent or tread carefully to prevent provoking public unrest.

Another aspect of the media's silence can be linked to the judicial process and the sensitivity surrounding legal investigations. After Mashal Khan's killers were convicted and sentenced by the court, the media seemed reluctant to continue covering the case, possibly out of concern that further attention could inflame religious sentiments and lead to more violence. Additionally, political and societal pressures often influence media policies, and in cases like these, many outlets prefer to avoid taking risks.

However, this silence has also been met with criticism. The role of the media is to raise awareness about social issues and bring the truth to light. Incidents like Mashal Khan's murder expose deep societal problems and the failure of the justice system, making it crucial for the media to address them. By staying silent, the media may inadvertently contribute to the perpetuation of such issues, allowing similar tragedies to occur in the future.


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